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Monday, 20 January 2025

Fitness and Fashion Update

 London over-60s blogger Is This Mutton on fitness and fashion buying plans for 2025

Dear friends. Quite a lot to tell you today, as I haven't written a style post as such since the start of the year (and that was a look back at the learnings of 2024).

I'm sharing a few of my latest buys and my philosophy for shopping in 2025, plus my goals for fitness.



I'm now at a stage where I'm curating my wardrobe.   What does that mean?  Having been re-analysed as a Spring a couple of years ago, and having worked out over the years what suits my personality and shape, I no longer need to buy anything that doesn't work for me.  No more impulse buys, hopefully.  

Instead, I'll plug a few gaps each season, and stay current by giving my wardrobe small tweaks.  

One gap I had in my wardrobe was jumpers (sweaters) in Spring colours.  I picked up two in the Kettlewell sale:  the Connie in Coral, below, and the Siciliano in cashmerino, top. Mr Mutton took that picture as I was heading off on an outing, and as usual he held the phone too high which has the effect of making anyone look small. 

Is This Mutton shares her philosophy on a curated wardrobe rather than impulse buys

I also needed a new pair of gold flat shoes because my beloved Boden T-bars have a broken fastening. I found these in Oliver Bonas for £70. I find gold a very versatile neutral. It goes with everything.  Silver will work the same for you, if you are cool toned.

My small tweaks include adding some "Mocha Mousse" - the Pantone colour of the year . It's an  interesting colour. It's neutral, so perfect to wear with other colours. I have some dark brown in my wardrobe  (the trousers above are my oldest garment, bought in the early 1990s) but not much mid-tone brown. I've ordered a jacket, pre-loved, in a mocha mousse type shade. 

My other tweak is wearing more boot legs and flares. Skinnies look a bit dated now. I also like to get a couple of pieces of fashion jewellery to update my look. 

I won't need much for Spring/Summer except a pair of trainers and a couple of sun dresses for the beach holiday, plus new cycling jerseys. I can't promise I won't succumb to a 60s retro dress or two. 

A lot of the Spring collections are dropping now.  It's always a great time of year for a Spring because it's "our" time in terms of colours.  Winter retail is very drab for us, mostly black, navy, grey, dark burgundy and olive green.  I'm seeing so far a lot of blue, some fab greens, yellows and warm reds in the Spring collections.


If you're a regular reader you'll know I don't care for New Year's resolutions, or the strange practice of deprivation in January, surely one of the worst months of the year.

Our first cycling holiday this year will be a fortnight in Scotland, visiting the islands of the Outer Hebrides and cycling the Caledonian Way.  We'll start outdoor training next month.  I decided that for January, I'd get into better habits at the gym and have a personal trainer for a few sessions.

Why Weight Training is Important Over 60

I used to be a lot stronger than I am now. I was very dedicated during the lockdown, with two or three weights sessions at home a week.

Strength training is very important for women as we get older.  Apart from the benefit of speeding up my metabolism, being strong means I can lift large bags of compost and shopping, and open jars with ease. 

The benefits of weight training also include improved bone density, better sleep and better cognition.

My trainer has been re-familiarising me with the weight machines, and I'm enjoying getting back into that routine.

Once we're bike training again 3 times a week, I'll go to to the gym for two sessions of weights and two Pilates classes.  Plus the odd walk! 

The light in winter is often beautiful, as are the frosts.  We haven't had any snow yet but who knows? As long as I dress up warmly with layers, scarf and gloves, walking briskly means I don't feel the cold.  Below: a winter walk

A winter walk in the forest for Is This Mutton

Avoiding Ultra-Processed Food

As far as my diet is concerned, I'm determined to eat fewer Ultra Processed Foods, which in my case means crisps.  (I think these are "chips" in the US).  It's shocking to see which foods are Ultra Processed. It's not just the usual suspects of biscuits, cake, crisps and ready meals.  It also includes mass-produced bread, ice cream and breakfast cereals including those instant pots of porridge. More on this from the British Heart Foundation.

I'm cooking more from scratch and finding interesting recipes online to jazz up vegetables.  Last week I popped some cubes of butternut squash, sliced onions, garlic, chopped orange pepper, carrots and chopped cavolo nero onto a baking tray and drizzled a sauce made from sesame oil, tahini and balsamic vinegar over them. After roasting them for 25 mins I sprinkled the veg with cubes of feta cheese and fresh herbs. Even Mr Mutton enjoyed this.

Other Goals for 2025

I started seeing at least one art exhibition a month back in 2023, and will keep this up.  I'd also like to go to the theatre more often but there are too many musicals for my liking.  

Last year I had a list of places I wanted to visit, and didn't make much progress.  So Lewes, Rye, Frinton, Norwich and Cromer are still waiting to be enjoyed!  Plus we'll be travelling to a few places by train or ferry with the bikes, and then having a ride plus pub lunch.

I'll share my bookish goals on Thursday along with some crackers I've been reading. 

What goals do you have for 2025?  Do share in the comments.

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  1. I am trying a new recipe today that has butternut squash in it. And I've started making bread twice a week. I've been walking or running everyday but still need to so a little weight work out once a week.

  2. Sandra Hitchcock26 January 2025 at 11:57

    Hi Gail just an observation regarding skinnies, I know the wide legs are in but a lot of ladies are still wearing them. Well I wish you well on the cycling front and hope that you won’t be cold and wet up in Scotland! I totally agree with you regarding weight training for all of us older ladies, I do Pilates on a Monday evening, Chair aerobics (don’t forget I have 10 years on you) on a Weds and weights on a Friday although we use weights or bands on a Weds too. Books are my love too but I’m very slow at the moment as I’m reading Samuel Pepys Diary which is hard going but interesting, The Northman’s Fury, a history of the Viking World, slow reading and a book on Mary Queen of Scot’s which is a lot easier. I have hibernated this January unusual for me!

    1. Hi Sandra I'm still wearing skinnies, they suit me better than wide legs. I'll be wearing a pair in my next post about mocha mousse. Your fitness regime sounds excellent! I've never read Samuel Pepy's diary in full but I imagine it would be fascinating. Thanks for leaving a comment

  3. Love the trousers Gail, they look so good with your pretty jumper xx Jacqui x


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