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Friday 19 July 2024

Books Read in July


Is This Mutton's reviews of new books for July 2024

Dear friends. Here are my reviews of books published this month. Thanks to the publishers for early review copies in return for an honest review.

In the Goodreads Reading Challenge I'm at 75 books  (target 100), 22 books ahead of schedule. My reading has slowed down a little. As a NetGalley reviewer I'm typically reading books several months before their publication, and the months November to December seem to be quiet for publishers. 

Our Holiday by Louise Candlish  (4 stars) 

Louise Candlish has been a writer for 20 years but never fails to surprise with how many genres she can handle with consummate skill. This time it's a satire with a lot of humour. The very topical story is about locals in a gorgeous seaside resort protesting about second home owners and "DFLs" (down from London), who typically occupy their holiday homes for one month a year.

I found the communication gaps between the young people, teens and parents hilarious. There are several laugh out loud moments. But it's also a serious issue with seaside towns all over the UK suffering from chronic housing shortages for the workers who provide the graft for the second home owners.

The plot revolves around an act of criminal damage that has tragic consequences. The sub plots include a teenager who buys luxury clothes with a gym scam, a recovering alcoholic who's in a secret gay relationship, and the charismatic leader of the local protest group.

A very enjoyable read with Candlish effortlessly crossing the generation divide in a way that most authors would find impossible.

The Suspect by Rob Rinder   (3 stars)

The  book was workmanlike but not gripping.The three young barristers around whom the story revolved, Adam, Libby and Georgina, were a bit dull. The senior barristers seemed much more interesting, although inevitably a bit stereotyped as hideously outdated. Kudos to Rinder for showing how over worked the young staff are. I had to skip the "phone call" chapters where Adam spoke to his mother at length. It's a cut throat world with Adam nearly sacked for his inexperience. I found the Walthamstow Organised Crime Group angle a bit of a stretch.  Perhaps because I live near Walthamstow.

Message Deleted by K L Slater (4 stars)

I was reading another book but couldn't resist a peek at this one. Lethal! KL Slater draws you in like a moth to a flame. Initially you're thinking "what's the story?" but then she starts teasing with tempting snippets of background and unexplained mysteries. Before you know it, the other book is cast aside. A fiendishly complex plot, hugely enjoyable. Kim Stater has done it again!

How Can I Help You by Laura Sims   (4 stars)

The lives of two librarians become dangerously intertwined. Margo is regarded by her colleagues as a normal, charming middle aged woman.  They have no idea she's actually a former nurse with a trail of countless premature deaths in her wake. Patricia, a recent graduate and failed novelist, joins the library staff and quickly notices Margo’s subtly sinister edge.  Has Margot turned over a new leaf, or will she revert to type?  And how involved will Patricia become?  

Sinister and compelling. 


Inside Out by Douglas Thompson

Born in Liverpool in 1935, April Ashley MBE was a Vogue model, author, activist and socialite. Her tireless campaigning for transgender equality made her an icon and inspiration to many. This is a fascinating study of her life and achievements. April, who died in 2001 aged 86, went through many tough and challenging times including being "outed" by the press in the 1960s, undergoing a public divorce and ending up with hardly any money. She still managed to keep a sense of humour and her advice was "chins up....be as brave as you can."

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The Most Exciting Book List Ever!  What's coming up in the next few months

My Favourite Books of All Time


1 comment

  1. Hi, Gail - Thank you for joining us for #WOYBS. Congratulations on being well ahead of your target reads. I also read some ARCs for NetGallery and am currently reading 'Counting Miracles' by Nicholas Sparks. It's great getting top books before they are published.


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