"". Genuine 60s Dress! | Is This Mutton?

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Wednesday 22 May 2024

Genuine 60s Dress!

 And WowOnWednesday

Gail Hanlon from Is This Mutton in a new purchase of an old dress - genuine 60s retro

Dear friends. A genuine 1960s dress today, bought on Etsy. The quality is exquisite. In the 60s, the UK had a thriving industry of clothes production employing thousands. Today there's hardly any clothes manufacturing, thanks to cheap imports from China, Bangladesh and Turkey.

The dress has the label Diolen Loft, and astonishingly it's washable. It's a nice fit although there's no room for any extra pounds. Having just returned from a 4 day cycling tour, where we had to pre- order most meals in advance and they were huge, I won't be wearing it this week!

The dress cost £45, so very reasonable for such good quality. For chilly days I'd wear it with a jacket or cardi. The shoes are current, block heeled MaryJanes from Jones Bootmaker. 

There'll be more on the cycling break soon - and also on the Chelsea Flower Show, which I visited yesterday. 

Excited for an imminent holiday? Do tell in the comments. Scroll down below the link-up for the comments box.  

Linking my posts with these wonderful sites. 


Now it's time for #WowOnWednesday. Readers can find new blogs to enjoy and bloggers can find new readers. It's a win-win all round. Please, if you enjoy reading a post, share the love by leaving a comment. It makes a blogger's day.

Last Week's Favourites 

Packing Tips for a Week Long Holiday Abroad by Hilda from Over the Hilda

Is This Mutton Pick: A Degenerate Gambler's Summer Vacation by Amber from The Hungry Mountaineer 


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  1. Again a very charming dress! The shoes are so perfect with it. The Chelsea Flower Show always looks amazing when I see it on social media or on the telly. I hope you had a good time.

  2. What a fab skirt Gail, love the hidden inserts. But the shoes steal it for me. Love them! Thanks for joining my linkup x Jacqui

  3. That’s a very nice dress. And you are right they aren’t making clothes like they used to especially with cheaper materials and importing. I hope you have a lovely week.


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