Plus #WowOnWednesday
Dear friends. Every year Is This Mutton has a survey to get your views on a particular topic. We've previously covered domestic chores, fashion buying and perceptions of ageism.
This year I've chosen reading. I'm convinced it's the one hobby most of us have. You may have noticed that I've been writing more book reviews and spotlights lately.
How to Take Part
As before, I'm using a Google Form for the questions. You don't need to have a Google ID. Responses are anonymous and no email addresses are being collected. The questions should take you around 10 minutes. I'll be reporting back on March 20.
Am I right in thinking we're all bookworms? Is reading one of your favourite hobbies? Maybe you'd like to read more but don't have time. Do tell in the comments.
My Own Reading Life
I was a slow learner and couldn't read until I was about 8. It was my dad's perseverance at home that made the difference. The breakthrough came with the Ladybird book The Elves and the Shoemaker. I still remember it verbatim. Once I could read, I quickly progressed to adult books, particularly after a teacher told 10 year old me that I shouldn't be reading Enid Blyton (I loved the Famous 5 and the St Clare's books).
I got my first Kindle in 2010. A game changer! Previously I'd had to lug 10 books on holiday (necessitating extra baggage allowance). Now I could travel light, and never worry about where my next book was coming from.
The authors I love, or have loved, include Doris Lessing, Ian McEwan, Thomas Hardy, George Orwell, Bernice Rubens, Marian Keyes, Barbara Comyns, Edna O'Brien.
Nowadays as a book blogger, I get my fix from NetGalley. I love the insights I've gained into the publishing world. I particularly like to support debut authors, and those with small independent publishers.
I typically read from 8 - 10pm, and sometimes during the afternoon. I always read on train or plane journeys. I read faster on a Kindle than a book, and don't really enjoy audiobooks because the pace is too slow, even speeded up.
My goal this year is to read 100+ books and to try different genres. Goodreads tells me I've read 34 books so far, and am 17 books ahead of schedule, so I may need to revise my target. I've been reading historical fiction which is a new genre to me ( although I did love Jean Plaidy as a teenager).
I do want to write a book and worry I've left it too late. Yesterday I went to a creative writing workshop in Cambridge, which was very helpful. I'm interested to know how many of you are aspiring authors, hence the last questions in the survey!
I share my posts with these fabulous sites.
It's time for Wow on Wednesday!
Please take a few minutes to read some of the posts from bloggers around the world. A comment makes our day. Scroll down below the link-up for the comments box on Is This Mutton.
Saved by the Bell from Shauna at Lipgloss and Lace
Weird Weather We're Having by Vronni of Vronni's Style Meanderings
Swedish Meatballs - For Now or Later - by Jean of Delightful Repast