"". Sentence a Day: August 2021 | Is This Mutton?

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Monday, 6 September 2021

Sentence a Day: August 2021

 Yates Meadow in Epping Forest partially mown in August

Covid Update: We're out of lockdown in the UK. People are slowly trickling back to their offices, masks are mostly worn voluntarily, and the social distancing rule is no more. It's still challenging to go abroad on holiday, with hotel quarantine required if you visit a tier 3 country.  The number of Covid cases is still very high in the UK but with the majority vaccinated, it is mostly among young people and not causing a critical number of hospitalizations. Yet.

Sunday Aug 1

Can't believe it's August already.  Forgot to sow forget-me-nots for spring, too late now. J ran his 1st race for 3 years, London Landmarks half marathon. He enjoyed it and did a good time. Rang Uncle Brian as it's his 86th birthday.

Monday Aug 2

Blue sky day initially.  Did a slightly different forest walk, halfway around Connaught Water and Willow Trail.  4.4 miles. 

Tuesday Aug 3

Feeling it's like Groundhog Day going into my home office day after day. So did a bit of weeding and then to work.

Weds Aug 4

Couldn't find either walking pole so forest walk became urban walk via Sainsburys. I'll only walk in the forest if I can carry a pole in case I'm attacked by a man or dog.  Bare shelves in the supermarkets because of pingdemic. J popped into the local Tesco and yes, they had both of my walking poles! 

Thurs Aug 5

Bright start but turned chilly. Forest walk. Made some appointments, dentist,  opticians, vet. 

Fri Aug 6

Thundery, sunny intervals. Did a workout.  Went to opticians to choose new prescription sunglasses. Chose a pair by Coast with a pink/purple pattern.  Broadband not working. BT not coming until Tues, eek. 

Sat Aug 7

A lot of rain.  Did forest walk in water proofs.   BT gave us a 4G hub as a temporary solution to the broadband issue. 

Had the first London Kettlewell meet up in Regents Park. Weather made me rethink outfit. Wore neon apple jumper, fuchsia ice infinity, khaki chinos (and waterproof jacket in bag).  There were about 27 of us and it was fun putting voices to the photos I've seen on the FB group! Here I am with my fellow Winters. Took the picture with my tripod.

The Winter contingent at the Kettlewell Colour club unofficial meet up in London in August 2021

Sun Aug 8

Dropped J off at High Beech so that he did a shorter run than the 19 miles the rest of his group is doing. Was intending to do a walk but v tired. Then started raining.  Did some housework. Roast beef.  Christopher, Katie and Rosie popped round. 

Mon Aug 9

Forest walk. 4G hub is in my office and working OK, slightly slow. Today I'm starting to reduce my HRT dose by half. I'm taking it on alternate days.

Tues Aug 10

Forest walk. BT engineer came. Still problems, the broadband was very unstable after we switched off 4G.  J will work on it tomorrow. 

Weds Aug 11

Did a workout. Went to the dentist for first check up since 2018.  Gulp. Need quite a lot of expensive work. Had to sit outside as the waiting room only has 3 chairs. 

Thurs Aug 12

Booked Carol concert for December at the Royal Albert Hall and a dinner for J's birthday in October. Completed questions for Jacqui's blog. She's going to write about me! Very exciting.

Fri Aug 13

Cloudy cool. Did walk, took lots of plant pics using the app called Picture This.  Watched live preview of Kettlewell autumn range on Facebook. Took a few pics of the garden. The honeysuckle was planted years ago but has hardly ever flowered before.  I think it liked all the rain. 

Sat Aug 14

Did long walk nearly 7 miles. Yates partially mown (top picture).  Saw a Cattle Grazing sign, but unfortunately no sign of the small cattle.

Spent 3 hours weeding rose bed. Watched film Coda, 8 out of 10, we liked it. Touching story about a talented singer who has the dilemma of going to music school or staying with her deaf family and their fishing business to help them navigate the hearing world. 

Sun Aug 15

Weather brightened up. Did blog shoot, 3 outfits. Changed beds. Roast chicken

Mon Aug 16

Poor night's sleep because of a party a few doors down that started at midnight and went on until 2.30. Apparently there were around 100 in the road and the police came.  An Air BnB rental now.  Walked to Tesco, bus back. 

Tuesday Aug 17

Cold today. Wearing 3 layers. Did forest trail 4.4 miles.  Saw large movie crew in car park. Irksome day work-wise. J ordered new car, electric, not out until November. We will share it when my Golf ends its lease. Mac cheese + salad for dinner. 

Weds Aug 18

Not so cold. Not quite so busy today. Watched last episode Spiral. Satisfying tidy ending. Lamb tagine for dinner. 

Thurs Aug 19

Wore a fleece for my forest walk but it wasn't needed. Cloudy.  J overtook me, running He saw the cows. I haven't seen them for ages. Very tired lately,  wonder if it's the HRT. Unfortunately devoured a  family pack of kettle chips which I had in the house for a family get together on Sun. 

Curry for dinner. Bit of a drama when we found a wood pigeon in the conservatory. J opened windows and it eventually flew out. Must have hit its head on the windows as there was quite a bit of blood. 

Fri Aug 20

Saw the wood pigeon from yesterday so it's obviously fine. Extending the HRT decrease by trying to go two days without it. Stomach cramps a bit like period pains. Walk via Connaught Water, blue sky for a change. Have never noticed this tiny statue of Ganesh by the water's edge.  Fish n chips for dinner, weekly treat. 

Sat Aug 21

Restless night, had a hot flush because of decreasing oestrogen.  Quickly decided to return to HRT every other day. Did 5 mile forest walk. The Orion Harriers were running a race. Went to M&S to get food for tomorrow's family lunch. Watched film The Gentlemen.  Yuk. It's a 3 out of 10 for me. 

Sun Aug 22

Family lunch with Rachel, Sean, Christopher, Katie and Rosie for the first time in 18 months.  Had chicken, salads and meze. Offered them Christmas pudding but no takers.

Mon Aug 23

Cut walk short as not feeling great. Took a Covid test, negative.  Think it's the effects of reduced oestrogen. 

Tues Aug 24

Finally a sunny start.  Forest walk. Took a picture of the Queen Elizabeth 1 Hunting Lodge (c. 1543) which has been repainted. Busy and feeling very tired. Probably an HRT side effect.  New weights delivered. Heavier.

Weds Aug 25

No walk, had to take M to vet for annual jab plus look at scabs on her front legs. Warned vet about how M behaves with strangers, and we had long chat. Wasn't allowed in the consulting room, could hear Molly screeching. The vet was very kind with her and even managed to clip her front claws!

Thurs Aug 26

Feeling dreadful.  High temperature, exhausted. Long day today, started at 8am. 

Fri Aug 27

Lot better today. Started taking NMN which is said to be rejuvenating for mature people.  Had the day off - our company's quarterly day of care. 

Went for walk with J, different forest walk. Fairly mild, cold under trees. New salvia Amistad arrived. Have been waiting for this tall, purple flowered beauty for a long time as I have never seen it at a garden centre. 

Sat Aug 28

Weather cloudy so decided to do a walk and then gardening, and have my blogging day tomorrow (when I don't do any exercise). Then sun came out so walk was pleasant.  Spent a few hours tidying garden. Got J to dig out a huge sedge. Goodness knows how it got there. Still need to plant the new salvia. 

Sunday Aug 29

Bright start, did some blog photography but after an hour camera battery went flat. Then J rang, on a 20 miler, needing me to pick him up. Had to wait quite a long time but edited some of my photos. He was very tired but otherwise OK.

Mon Aug 30

Bank hol. Dreary. Did walk then went to see Christopher and Katie's new house, which is stunning.  Made chilli

Tues Aug 31

Didn't get up until 6.40. Late for me!  Dreary and cold. Had a two hour dental appointment. The dentist is new to me so I was a little anxious that I would feel the extensive drilling as he replaced a very old filling, and prepared a crown. But fortunately pain free. 

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