Of all the colours, yellow is the most divisive. Many women say they love it - and it's hard to resist with its gorgeousness freshness and vivacity - but it doesn't suit them.
I've news for you: there's a shade of yellow for nearly all of us, with the exception of those who have summer colouring.
I didn't think yellow suited me either but having revisited my "colours", and the three analyses I've had in the past, I'm now working with the bright, clear colours of winter and spring, and acid yellow is a great yellow on the cool spectrum which now suits me best.
I've probably gone a bit overboard on acid yellow here with no fewer than three pieces from
Kettlewell: v neck top, infinity scarf and belt. Their infinity scarves are a great way to get a hit of a colour that suits you next to your face, and you can wear them in one loop, rather than two, as I've done here.
To show the difference here's a picture, below, where I'm wearing bright yellow, a spring colour, but one that has too much warmth for me. My skin looks drained.
So how do you find your perfect yellow? If you have had colour analysis, you will have been analysed in one of two ways: either given a season and then a sub-type of a season (eg blue spring or leaf autumn), or a diagnosis based on tonality. Both systems result in a much better and usable diagnosis than the old-fashioned seasonal diagnosis from decades ago. I'm in-between seasons as my colouring is fairly neutral. I'm a bright / cool /light, or a sprinter winter, depending on what system you're using.
If you haven't had colour analysis done, you can take a
fun quiz at the Kettlewell site. But you'll get better results if you see a colour consultant face to face, which won't be long now in the UK. You can find help on finding a colour consultant
here. If you're outside the UK, Google House of Color or Color Me Beautiful.
The most basic thing you can do is decide if you are warm or cool toned, looking at the colour of your veins on the underside of your arm. A blue tone equals cool, green equals warm. The rich yellows like saffron, the bright yellow I'm wearing above and ochre will suit you. If you're cool toned, your yellows will be those which have had white added, like my acid yellow, to tone them down.
You are probably automatically drawn to the colours that suit you best. Before I knew about acid yellow, I had already been wearing a hiking fleece in the same colour for several years. Acid yellow is the only yellow that a person with winter or clear/cool colouring can wear. If you have autumn or spring characteristics, you're spoilt for choice.
If a colour really doesn't suit you, buy it as accessories for pops of colour: hand bags, belts, shoes. As long as it isn't close to your face, it doesn't matter.
The right colours make your face come to life; the wrong colours make you look sallow, pale or tired. Here are some well known women looking wonderful in yellow. Who do you think did yellow best?
And do you love or loathe yellow, on you? Do let us know in the comments.
Top row, left to right: Priyanka Chopra, Naomi Campbell, Kate Middleton, Reese Witherspoon
Bottom row: Amanda Seyfried, Nicole Kidman, Joan Collins, Cate Blanchett
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What a difference the right shade makes. Pamela did a color analyse on me and it made me so happy. I now shop so much better! Thanks for the feature Gail! That's such a great way to start the day!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome Nancy!