"". December 2019 | Is This Mutton?

Fashion for the over 50s with books and beauty

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Sunday, 29 December 2019

2019 Is Almost A Wrap

A sparkly star jumper and jeans rounding off the Christmas season for over-50s blogger Gail Hanlon from Is This Mutton?
Well, it's almost over - Christmas 2019 and an entire decade.  Just New Year's Eve to go, and to be honest, Mr Mutton and I am usually in bed before midnight.

I took a break from blogging this month.  It was all getting too much.  Work is very full-on at the moment; there were a couple of US trips not too far apart, and the inevitable cold that follows from all the germs on the plane.

A brother-in-law died unexpectedly in December, in India, and one of the lovely sisters who runs my gym died, both in their 50s.  It makes you think how precious life is, and how we need to embrace it and do what we want to do.

I was seriously thinking about not blogging anymore because it takes a lot of time, time which I am constantly nagging myself should be spent doing housework / yoga / walking or gardening,  whichever task I'm feeling guilty about neglecting.

I'm also conscious that we shouldn't be buying so much "stuff," and people are quite judgmental now about women (and bloggers) buying clothes.  While I agree we should be more thoughtful about what we buy, and where from, let's not forget the fashion industry in the UK is worth 26 billion pounds with 800,000 people employed.

A lot of people who don't get blogging and think it a worthless vanity pursuit think that we do it because we must be very narcissistic. I'm quite introverted and I enjoy blogging as a way to show my "other" side, as well as making me feel less like a ghost, someone who glides through life without being noticed.

I also like flying the flag for women over 50 who are marginalized by society and either pigeon holed as grannies or "mutton dressed as lamb"  should we dare to wear anything short, clingy or low cut.

And I love the community of like-minded women that support each other, in the blogosphere and on Instagram.

Reviewing The Situation

So after Reviewing the Situation, as Fagin would say in Oliver!, I decided to carry on blogging, but more on my terms.  Working with brands is wonderful but I put a huge amount of effort into researching and creating the posts, so as a hobby blogger I'm going to stop working with brands unless it's one of my regulars or a clothes/beauty brand I really adore.

I'm going to do fewer "shoots" as I call them, with several pictures of one outfit.  I want to be a bit more relaxed about it all.  Instead, more posts about what I've been wearing day-to-day, which are more popular, and my "Five for FriYay" type posts where I write about five things that I'm liking. I'll also carry on with Sentence a Day - next one is published on 7 January - as it's a good forcing function to make me do things and get out and about.  My Christmas will be covered in that post which will feature December.
Is This Mutton, style blog for the over-50s, on December 2019
Today's outfit is a pair of old jeans from M&S - they remain my favourites - and last year's Christmas jumper, also from M&S.   I'll be back on Wednesday with the return of #WowOnWednesday.

If your New Year's Eve involves a party, a pub or fireworks, enjoy!  I will be glad to see the back of 2019 and look forward to putting up my new David Bowie calendar for 2020. I suspect New Year's Eve will be spent with Henry Cavill and The Witcher, with maybe a cheeky glass of champagne. Until then my friends, bye for now!

Sharing this post with Claire Justine, #sharealllinkup at Not Dressed as Lamb, Turning Heads Tuesday at Elegantly Dressed and Stylish, Top of the World Style at High Latitude Style, Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style,  Style with a smile at Stylesplash, Chic & Stylish at Mummabstylish, Linkup on the Edge at Shelbee on the Edge, Red Carpet Link Up at Glamadventure, Muttonstyle, Fancy Friday at Nancy's Fashion Style and #BloggerClubUk or #AnythingGoes at My Random Musings.

For More Mutton

Stay in the loop: follow Is This Mutton? on Bloglovin or Feedspot. I post extra goodies on the Is This Mutton? Facebook page. Check out the Is This Mutton? Pinterest boards, including boards on other bloggers in fab outfits plus beauty, jewellery, hairstyles and fashion picks. Is This Mutton? is also on Twitter.


Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Everyday Outfits and #WowOnWednesday Link Up

There's a ttwist in the design of this Fabienne Chapot blouse - it features aliens. Worn with grey and silver by Is This Mutton style blogger Gail Hanlon
Today my friends I present another quick round-up of outfits I've been wearing.  First, a work wear outfit that has a twist. I love the quirky design of this "aliens" Paris blouse by Fabienne Chapot from The Bias Cut.  At first sight it doesn't look like aliens, but then some of my colleagues realized and thought it very amusing.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Sentence A Day November 2019: My birthday!

Fri 1 Nov
Watched Rocketman at last. Disappointing - too much focus on Elton's unhappy family.

Sat 2 Nov
Dreamed I was queuing up for a Xmas dinner but they ran out. Went out early to do shopping.  Not fussed about rugby (it’s the final of something and England didn't win).  V wet and windy

Sun 3 Nov
No gym today as J needed my car to meet up with his running buddies. Will be glad when his new one arrives. Did roast chicken and took a lot of blog pics.

Mon 4 Nov
Office. Trying Jennifer Aniston's intermittent fasting. No breakfast.  Was ok, didn't keel over.

Tuesday 5 Nov
At home. Gym. Booked BUPA health check (free on company health insurance). Also flights for US trip in Dec.

Weds 6
Up v early trying to move meetings as I had to find time to write a plan. Fortunately was able to postpone the plan meeting. New freezer came.

Thurs 7
My birthday. Had the day off and we went to see the new Tutankhamun exhibition (read my thoughts here) and Dinner by Heston. Changed mind about outfit at last min – read more.

Fri 8
Working from home, busy day. J's daughter asked if she could sleep at ours for a few days as their bathroom being revamped.

Sat 9
Misty start. Gym, shopping.  J's son, wife and grandchild came round to give me my birthday present.

Sun 10
Sent off for an OU prospectus for forensic psychology.  Watched Remembrance Day on TV. Finished planting bulbs at last. Tulips always the last to go in.

Mon 11
Office. Very dark rainy morning.  Always have favourite podcasts to enjoy on Monday drive

Tues 12
Home. Gym. Rod Stewart tickets came. We're going in December.

Weds 13
Eco delivery from DPD for for J. My postal vote was confirmed. Will be in America for work when it's the election.

In the office.

Working from home. Attempted intermittent fasting again but the problem is you eat more later in the day.

Sat 16
A rare but welcome trip into London to spend my birthday money. Bought some fashion jewellery. Met a friend for lunch. London looking festive - Fortnum & Mason's windows are like an Advent calendar.

Sun 17
Did an early blog shoot for brown trousers and a later Power Plate class so that John could use the car earlier for his running. Rachel and Sean came for lunch, roast lamb.

Mon 18
Office. Cancelled BUPA health check. It takes a long time and I'm fit and healthy so don't really need it.

Tues 19
Home. Power Plate. Deliveries raining down - Christmas presents.

Weds 20
Office.  Given some new responsibilities including an Israel project. Went out for quick drink after work with a colleague from another building.

Thurs 21
Office. Cold - 4 degrees. Saw deer on way home, grazing in woodland alongside the M25.

Fri 22
Home. Renewed gym membership. Admired the lovely containers of flowers in Buckhurst Hill, provided by the local council.

Sat 23 November
Hair colour and another cut. Had the back of my hair taken in very short.

Sun 24 November
Writing post and taking blog pics. Roasted a chicken

Mon 25
Office. Had lunch in the new building which has just opened. It's very beautiful but sadly my team is staying where we are and not moving in.

Tues 26
Working from home. Gym.

Weds 27 November
In the office, brushed up my marketing automation skills on a webinar.

Thurs 28 November
Working from home - I am driving down to Mum's in the South West this evening for a long weekend. Took 6 hours.

Fri 29 November
Wet and cold. Short drive into Cornwall for lunch at Tamar View Nurseries. Was hoping to spend some garden centre vouchers but didn't see any houseplants I wanted. Seeing this dog at the steering wheel made us smile.

Sat 30 November
Dreary day, cold. Went to Plymouth Barbican for lunch. Next year Plymouth is commemorating 400 years since the Mayflower sailed - big plans.
Had a quick look around the Christmas Market and fun fair. Were tempted by a beer festival but too many men lurking outside.
Quick cup of tea in the supermarket coffee shop

For More Mutton

Stay in the loop: follow Is This Mutton? on Bloglovin or Feedspot. I post extra goodies on the Is This Mutton? Facebook page. Check out the Is This Mutton? Pinterest boards, including boards on other bloggers in fab outfits plus beauty, jewellery, hairstyles and fashion picks.
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