Tues 1st January
Mild start to the New Year and we went out early for a walk in Epping forest, 4.70 miles.
Weds 2 January
Back to work, although working from home. Not too frantic. Tomorrow is worse.
Thurs 3 January
At home. Busy!! This period, between Jan and end of Feb, is very hectic.
Fri 4 January
Working at home. Rush to get an ad finished. Did Power Plate but have a pain similar to tennis elbow so had to be careful with weights.
Sat 5 January
5 degrees. Did my food shopping in Epping. Got my first bunch this year of British daffodils. Had a smile at the Twitter response from all the great museums of the world to a tweet from @TheMERL (the Museum of Rural Life) - "Show us a duck."
Sun 6 January
Walked to Power Plate, nearly 5 miles there and back. A vegan recipe book was delivered, Bosh! Had an M&S nut roast for lunch. Am trying to eat more plant based meals.
Mon 7 January
In office. Busy day. No time for a walk.
Tues 8 January
At home. Lovely day. Molly the cat likes to join me at work.
Weds 9 January
Into London for two meetings with
podcast producers. Like old times. V cold, walked between the two meetings.
Thurs 10 January
In office. Busy day! Head spinning.
Fri 11 January
At home. Tough Power Plate class. Fish n chips for dinner.
Sat 12 January
Went to the National Gallery to see the exhibition of Impressionists on loan from the
Courtauld. Utterly amazing to be so close to iconic works - and they encourage you to take pictures.
Then I met up with fellow bloggers Annemarie from Mutton Style and Michelle from Fifty and Fab at the swish Berkeley Hotel, where we had a "Prêt-à -Portea". Read more
Sun 13 January
A day that started with a Power Plate class and then cleaning and roast beef, which smelled so delicious I had to have some.
Mon 14 January
In office. Crazy busy. Long day, 12 hours.
Tues 15 January
At home. Quiet day. Had hair done - "after" photo below. Watched one of my favourite films, Contact, after reading a newspaper report about reports of
extraterrestrial noise in space.
Weds 16 January
Went to work by train today. Went to a team dinner at a Thai restaurant. Home by 10.55. V tired.
Thurs 17 January
Up at 5.45 to drive to work and touched to find J had left a teabag in a mug for me. Prints day at work.This is when we wear prints. Not sure why.
Friday 18 January
Home. Did Power Plate for the first time since Sun. My "Women of the First World War" brooch came from the
Royal British Legion. Beautiful, and in memory of a lady called Nellie. I will wear it proudly in the run-up to Remembrance Sunday in November.
Sat 19 January
Shopping as usual in Epping although annoyingly forgot to get daffodils. Went out in the evening for a Greek
mezze with John's daughter and her husband.
Sun 20 Jan
Just the two of us today. I nipped out to get daffodils and also some treats for the tuck shop at work because tomorrow is supposed to be Blue Monday.
Mon 21 January
Blue Monday was fine! Everyone loved the treats. Cheery day.
Tues 22 January
At home. Went to a meeting in London pm. Was sunny and pleasant but temp had dropped and was raining when I came out.
Weds 23 January
Risk of ice, so worked from home.
Thurs 24 January
Got the train to work. In the evening went to a colleague's leaving do at a former bicycle shop, now a restaurant (and called "The Old Bicycle Shop"). Had a lovely room upstairs.Service was very slow so bit concerned about catching train home.
Fri 25 January
Worked from home. Power Plate, fish and chips.
Sat 26 January
Went to see Party /Celebration plays starring Celia Imrie at the Harold Pinter Theatre. In front row of balcony. Quite short, was finished by 9.15.
Sun 27 January
Power Plate, later class, so that I could return a parcel at
Waitrose. Roast beef with Rachel and Sean. Sadly, Johnnie Walker off for six weeks for a heart operation - missed him on Sounds of the 70s (BBC Radio 2).
Mon 28 January
Office. V cold. Good day. Fun
Tues 29 January
At home. Sunny not so cold.
Weds 30 January
In office. Early so went to
Tesco to do some shopping on the way to work. Our new brown bin for garden waste was delivered - bigger. We're very lucky, our council still empties the refuse and recycling bins each week and the garden refuse bin once a fortnight.
Thurs 31st January
Up at 5.30 making salads for lunch and dinner. Left work at 1.30 as the forecast changed to an amber warning for snow. Did the rest of my meetings at home.