"". Introducing a new beauty link up party, #WowForWednesday | Is This Mutton?

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Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Introducing a new beauty link up party, #WowForWednesday

Welcome to a new weekly link up for bloggers of all ages, covering Beauty. I noticed there weren't many link up parties for beauty, and we all like reading about new and much loved products and beauty recommendations. So here goes!

My product this week is yet another mascara.  You may recall I am on a permanent quest to find a mascara that delivers volume and length, without clumping and without leaving "panda eyes".

But after trying my latest product, the much acclaimed Hourglass Caution Extreme Lash Mascara, which was lauded by India Knight in the Sunday Times, I've come to realise that it's my lashes which are the problem.

As we get older, they become a bit more sparse.  Gappy, in a word.  So even the best volumising mascaras struggle with the task.

I've always been impressed with Hourglass products, which are available from John Lewis and Feel Unique, among others.  This mascara certainly has heft: the casing is triangular shaped in gold. The brush has densely packed soft bristles, nothing fancy to look at  (and I'm getting a bit bored with all the novelty brushes).

It's a high quality product.  Gives good length and separation, and a nice deep black.  Plus, big bonus, no panda eyes, even after wearing it all day.

But it doesn't give me wow lashes.  They're no better than when I use the L'Oreal Paris Miss Baby Roll Mascara, which is only £7.99.

There is still one product left for me to try. I had a recommendation from a beauty blogger to try the Beauty Pie Uber Volume Boost Mascara. Beauty Pie is a subscriber club but you can order single items.

Any other recommendations?

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#WowForWednesday Beauty Link Up Party

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