"". What I Wore in the Bluebell Wood | Is This Mutton?

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Monday, 23 April 2018

What I Wore in the Bluebell Wood

Is This Mutton blogger and husband in a secret bluebell wood outside London, spring 2018
We're lucky to have a secret bluebell wood not too far away, in Epping Forest. At this time of year the wonderful delicate English bluebells are out and their sweet scent drenches the forest glade.

I first moved to this area in 2005, so we've been coming to the wood most years and it's a reminder of how the years pass (although the wood remains timeless).

Above, this year's shot. We were out on one of our regular walks:  we're attempting the 200 mile Wainwright Coast to Coast walk, across three national parks, next month.  I've been trying to do a walk every day, even if it's just two miles at lunchtime. So we weren't dressed up for this year's bluebell photo opp although I am wearing my new Meindl GTX hiking boots to break them in.

Last year was a different story.
Is This Mutton blogger Gail Hanlon in a secret bluebell wood
I dragged Mr Mutton off to the wood with my new gold mules in a bag to take a few photos for the blog. You can read it here: A walk in the Bluebell Wood. Incidentally, the bluebells were out two weeks earlier than this year.

This one was taken in 2011.  It was not long since we had married, so Mr Mutton is looking more romantic than usual.  That polka dot top was a star buy - I still wear it now.
A romantic shot from 2011 featuring Is This Mutton? blogger Gail Hanlon and husband in a bluebell wood
The next photo is from 2009 and I have longish red hair. I was obsessed with green and I remember well the jacket, which came from Kettlewell Colours. I quite like the necklace but have no idea what happened to it.
In 2008 I had long hair but it was a more natural colour. We had some more creative shots, and the bluebells were really stunning that year.  I remember the long winter white coat - it was from M&S and washable, so eminently useful. 
An image from 20 years ago when Is This Mutton blogger Gail Hanlon and husband first took photos in a secret bluebell wood
Do you have a bluebell wood of your own?

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