Many of you are engaged in "No Spend October" on Instagram, where you're shopping your closet and not going near the shops or those pesky online retailers. I'm afraid I'm still spending, but to enter into the spirit of the thing, I've put together a really ancient and partially thrifted outfit!
I would like to introduce you to my "Rupert Bear trousers." I've had them since the early 90s. They were a purchase from Next in the early days when Next sold really good quality distinctive clothes. The Rupert trousers (my name) are essentially Oxford bags of the type David Bowie wore in the Hunky Dory period.
The corduroy coat reminds me of the 70s and was thrifted late last winter and not worn until now.
I like brown and beige but they haven't been in vogue for years, it seems. Come on Pantone, spare us the lemon curry and give us some brown! Brown is more flattering to the older face than black and I definitely prefer it to navy, which always seems a prim and prissy colour to me.
On a side note, you may have noticed my hair is a different colour. I was getting a bit bored with the blonde highlights and for winter I like to have warmer colours. So my wonderful hairdresser, Jodie, owner of Mustard & Co, did some colour blocking with Davines' organic colours, introducing warmer shades of red and caramel. And no bleach! Immediately the colour seemed to make my skin come alive so I am very pleased with it. See the full story on my Facebook page.
Sharing this post with Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style; Catherine at Not Dressed As Lamb; Fake It Until You Make It at Fake Fabulous, Creative Mondays at Claire Justine, Emma at Stylesplash, Jess at Elegantly Dressed and Stylish, Ashley and Laurie Link Up, Fabulous Friday at A Pocketful of Polka Dots, and Fancy Friday at Nancy's Fashion Style and Top of the World Style at High Latitude Style
I would like to introduce you to my "Rupert Bear trousers." I've had them since the early 90s. They were a purchase from Next in the early days when Next sold really good quality distinctive clothes. The Rupert trousers (my name) are essentially Oxford bags of the type David Bowie wore in the Hunky Dory period.
The faux fur trimmed jumper is also a Next purchase - not quite so old, about five years I think. The faux fur stole, which I think is madly glam, was a Christmas present last year. The gold ankle boots are last winter's. The only new item is the leopard print bag from Next (out of stock).
I like brown and beige but they haven't been in vogue for years, it seems. Come on Pantone, spare us the lemon curry and give us some brown! Brown is more flattering to the older face than black and I definitely prefer it to navy, which always seems a prim and prissy colour to me.
On a side note, you may have noticed my hair is a different colour. I was getting a bit bored with the blonde highlights and for winter I like to have warmer colours. So my wonderful hairdresser, Jodie, owner of Mustard & Co, did some colour blocking with Davines' organic colours, introducing warmer shades of red and caramel. And no bleach! Immediately the colour seemed to make my skin come alive so I am very pleased with it. See the full story on my Facebook page.
Sharing this post with Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style; Catherine at Not Dressed As Lamb; Fake It Until You Make It at Fake Fabulous, Creative Mondays at Claire Justine, Emma at Stylesplash, Jess at Elegantly Dressed and Stylish, Ashley and Laurie Link Up, Fabulous Friday at A Pocketful of Polka Dots, and Fancy Friday at Nancy's Fashion Style and Top of the World Style at High Latitude Style