To make sure your floral skirt looks contemporary, choose a top with the latest look, whether it's asymmetrical, off-the-shoulder or featuring statement sleeves. Then have fun with your accessories, particularly shoes.
I highlighted the blue colour in the skirt with my accessories and the red colour with my top. Cinching my waist works for my shape - I'm using a blue belt which was known as "the Gok Wan" when he had that TV show telling women what to wear. When he gave larger ladies makeovers, they were inevitably hiding themselves under loose clothes and he always told them this made them look larger, and recommended these partially elasticated belts. It's very true. The necklace was another of my great Etsy buys - I love that site!
This Virginia Creeper will soon be a sight to behold when it goes red in the autumn.
The lippy is by Boots No 7, Soft Paprika.
Outfit Details
Skirt, Boden (past season) - check out their lovely Richmond skirts here. Red top, F&F at Tesco. Denim wedges, Marks and Spencer, past season. Cobalt necklace, Sacred Cake at Etsy. Clutch, Accessorize. Belt: Julian Carter, buy here.Sharing this post with Patti at Not Dead Yet Style, Catherine at Not Dressed as Lamb, Jess at Elegantly Dressed and Stylish, Emma at Style Splash. Dawn Lucy at Fashion Should Be Fun, Fabulous Friday at A Pocketful of Polka Dots and Fancy Friday at Nancy's Fashion Style.
Coming next on Is This Mutton?
Monday: More ways with a gingham skirtWednesday: How to fake flawless skin
Friday: Remember these summer fashions from 20, 30 years ago?
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