I've been getting good wear out of my gingham skirt this summer. You first saw it here, although I didn't keep that skirt in the end, it had too much fabric. Instead I went for one from Marks and Spencer, which is featured today and also here on holiday.
Fuchsia pink is definitely one of my favourite colours, and now that we've passed the Summer Solstice and August is nearly here, we'll soon be needing cardigans and sweaters. So I paired the skirt with a cropped cashmere cardigan from Boden and pink sandals with silver block heels from Topshop. Bag from Asos, sunglasses Ray-Ban, necklace Topshop.
I saw one of the younger bloggers wearing Converse with her gingham skirt, so I thought I'd try it. To be honest this is a look that will never really work on me because my legs are not slender enough. I'm wearing another item which has more than proved its value this summer, my white denim jacket* from Bonmarché, and some long gold chains.
Disclosures: any gifted items are marked *. My editorial is always objective.
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