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Thursday, 30 March 2017

White and blue

Blue and white for a casual summer look

White jeans are a summer essential for me, even though they don't deliver much value in the holiday suitcase as you can only wear them once!

Normally it takes me ages to find a decent pair. They need to have a heavyweight fabric, not too thin, and of course look flattering. I was thrilled to find that the first pair I tried, from Boden, were keepers. White jeans look nautical and summery with blue and stripes - and fab for evenings with a sheer tunic top and statement sandals.

Image showing woman wearing Dolce and Gabbana denim jacket, white jeans and stripy bag

My Boden jeans are the Cambridge ankle skimmers.  They come up big as size 10 was perfect for me rather than the normal size 12.  The denim jacket was a real find from a charity shop: it's a blinged up Dolce and Gabbana! The label says "XL" and the jacket is a little tight so I must assume that an extra large to Dolce is a size 10 (UK), because I normally wear a 12 in jackets. I'm intending to lose seven pounds by the time we go on holiday in May so maybe I will be able to wear the jacket properly!

Image showing woman wearing Dolce and Gabbana denim jacket, white jeans and stripy bag

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