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Sunday, 19 February 2017

Embroidered denim, double denim

Embroidered jeans worn with pink statement sleeve jumper
Embroidered denim is having a moment, as is double denim. Fearing that I might look like a country and western singer, or at worse, a bit mutton, I thought I'd give it a go. The pretty embroidered jeans are from Marks and Spencer and already sold out, although there's a similar pair here. I wore the jeans first with a statement sleeve jumper from Lost Ink.

Next I paired the jeans with an embroidered shirt, also from Marks and Spencer. Now I really am getting into C&W territory. Yee ha.

Different ways to try floral embroidered denim for spring 2017 featured in Is This Mutton?

Double denim: embroidered jeans and embroidered shirt
Double floral denim was probably as bit too much so I tried the shirt with my flared jeans from Next, past season.
Embroidered denim shirt and flared jeans

Embroidered denim shirt and flared jeans

Preparation of the photography area

Before I took the pictures, there was a little prep to be done.  It's a glamorous life, being an all-purpose photographer / blogger / stylist! I had to scrub the bird feeders and brush up the grass.

What do you think of floral embroidered jeans / denim shirts?  Is it something you're doing or planning to do?

Sharing this post with Patti at Visible Monday, Not Dead Yet Style; I Will Wear What I Like at Not Dressed As Lamb;  Turning Heads Tuesday at Elegantly Dressed and Stylish, and Style with a Smile at Stylesplash.

Coming soon on Is This Mutton?

  • An essential beauty tool for the unspoken issue of facial hair
  • The new florals: one dress, two ways
  • Let's talk about.....feet
  • Velvet jacket 3 ways 

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